Six Steps to Effective Delegation
To delegate effectively in your work with others, there are six steps that you can take. If you neglect any one of these steps, you run the risk of misunderstanding, demoralization, and poor performance.
Step 1: Match the Person to the Job
One of the great time wasters in the world of work is delegating the task to the wrong person. Often the task is delegated to a person who is not capable of doing it properly or getting it done on schedule.
Step 2: Agree on what is to be done
Once you have selected the right person for the job, take the time to discuss the job with the person and agree upon what must be done. The more time you talk to discuss and agree on the result or objective – the more effort you make to achieve absolute clarity…the faster the job will be done once the person starts on it.
Step 3: Explain how the Job Could Be Done
Explain to the person your preferred approach or method of working. Explain how you would like to see the job done, and how you or someone else has done it successfully in the past.
Step 4: Have Your Employee Repeat Back Instructions
Ask the person to feed your instructions back to you in their words . Have him or her explain to you what you have just explained. This is the only way that you can be sure that the other person understands the job or assignment he or she has been delegated to accomplish.
Step 5: Set a Deadline
Set a deadline and schedule for completion of the task. At the same time, arrange for regular reporting and periodic inspection. Invite feedback and questions if there are any delays or problems.
Step 6: Manage by Exception
Managing by exception is a powerful time management tool that you use to work more efficiently with other people. If the job is on-track and on-schedule, managing by exception means that the person does not have to report back to you. (Status updates at the regular reporting and inspection times are still in effect.) If you don’t hear from them, you can assume that everything is going well. The individual only has to report back to you when an exception occurs, and there is a problem with getting the job done on time and to the agreed-upon level of quality.